"Amid a thick accumulation of debris- including hundreds of Pepto-Bismol bottles, nearly a thousand balls of string, old newspapers, magazines and comic books, religious kitsch and much more- his landlord, the photographer Nathan Lerner, found a creative life's work: an enormous literary and pictorial production. The key element was a picaresque tale in 12 massive volumes composed of some 19,000 pages of legal-sized paper filled with single-spaced typing entitled The Story of the Vivian Girls, in what is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion. The origins of this epic appear to be in 1909. It took more than eleven years to write it in longhand; in 1912 Darger began the task of typing the still incomplete manuscript." (Stephen Prokopoff) +
"Robert Vivian himself was the father of seven little Vivian Girls whose beauty could never be painted had they been seen for real. Of Violet, Joice, Jennie, and Evangeline, their beauty could never be described, but their nature and ways in goodness and soul was still more pretty and spotless. And no Evangeline St. Clare could beat them in their kind loving ways, and their love for God. They were always willing to do as they were told, keeping away from bad company and going to Mass and Holy Communion every day, and living the lives of little saints. The watchfulness of their parents made them what they were. They were Abbieannians by birth, but their parents, dreading the great Abbieannian storms, had left Abbieannia and first went to Angelinia. Hanson Vivian, who lost his wife and daughter, was their uncle and as pious as their father, but he was a Hercules for build, and a regular Samson for strength." + In the Realms of the Unreal, Henry Darger
Cientos de pinturas en acuarelas y collages, un extenso diario personal de 10.000 páginas y una novela mecanografiada de 15.145 páginas (la más larga que se conoce para una obra de ficción). Esta se intitula "La Historia de las Niñas Vivian, en lo que se conoce como los Reinos de lo Irreal, de la Tormentosa Guerra Glandeco-Angeliniana, Causada por la Rebelión de los Niños Esclavos." +
Molde - periódico / Revista SEDE
http://www.m-o-l-d-e.com/ / http://www.revistasede.com/
(encontrado por flowerchild)