domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008
Theme Time Radio Hour
It was with great anticipation that fans of the legendary American musician Bob Dylan tuned in (if they could) to XM Radio on May 3, 2006 to hear the first episode of the Theme Time Radio Hour, Dylan’s foray into the world of the disc jockey. Anticipation turned to delight when it emerged that not only does Dylan have great taste in music, as one would assume, but that he also has a great radio voice, a true gift for DJ gab and a stellar production crew helping him along the way.
lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008
<<This is not a series about things that hang on walls, it is not about decor or prettiness. It is a series about the force, the need, the passion of art
...the power of art.>>
BBC > Arts > Simon Schama's Power of Art > Presenter Simon Schama introduces his choice of artists and artworks from the TV series and tells us why art matters.
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008
sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008
Henry Darger
"Amid a thick accumulation of debris- including hundreds of Pepto-Bismol bottles, nearly a thousand balls of string, old newspapers, magazines and comic books, religious kitsch and much more- his landlord, the photographer Nathan Lerner, found a creative life's work: an enormous literary and pictorial production. The key element was a picaresque tale in 12 massive volumes composed of some 19,000 pages of legal-sized paper filled with single-spaced typing entitled The Story of the Vivian Girls, in what is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion. The origins of this epic appear to be in 1909. It took more than eleven years to write it in longhand; in 1912 Darger began the task of typing the still incomplete manuscript." (Stephen Prokopoff) +
"Robert Vivian himself was the father of seven little Vivian Girls whose beauty could never be painted had they been seen for real. Of Violet, Joice, Jennie, and Evangeline, their beauty could never be described, but their nature and ways in goodness and soul was still more pretty and spotless. And no Evangeline St. Clare could beat them in their kind loving ways, and their love for God. They were always willing to do as they were told, keeping away from bad company and going to Mass and Holy Communion every day, and living the lives of little saints. The watchfulness of their parents made them what they were. They were Abbieannians by birth, but their parents, dreading the great Abbieannian storms, had left Abbieannia and first went to Angelinia. Hanson Vivian, who lost his wife and daughter, was their uncle and as pious as their father, but he was a Hercules for build, and a regular Samson for strength." + In the Realms of the Unreal, Henry Darger
Cientos de pinturas en acuarelas y collages, un extenso diario personal de 10.000 páginas y una novela mecanografiada de 15.145 páginas (la más larga que se conoce para una obra de ficción). Esta se intitula "La Historia de las Niñas Vivian, en lo que se conoce como los Reinos de lo Irreal, de la Tormentosa Guerra Glandeco-Angeliniana, Causada por la Rebelión de los Niños Esclavos." +
Molde - periódico / Revista SEDE /
(encontrado por flowerchild)
The Knive - Heartbeats
A snowfield, near a forest, round dawn, somewhere in Sweden. The Knife are art-directing the shoot for their new press photographs. They are wearing long black coats, long black wigs and masks that make them look like crows. Why?
‘If we could choose not to do any photos at all, we would,’ says Karin Dreijer Andersson. ‘But it’s quite impossible. Because I don’t think it has anything to do with the music. So we use the photos now to show what our music looks like.’
‘It’s very cold and dark and suggestive maybe,’ says Olof Dreijer of the duo’s new ‘image’. ‘We feel like that if we had been there with our plain faces, that would destroy the illusion of the music. So we tried to dress up as the music. Occult and dark but at the same time, funny.’
miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008
Posibilidades de la abstracción
Julio Cortázar, Historia de Cronopios y Famas (1962), Material Plástico
Nodo patafísico: Proyecto Rayuel-o-matic Digital Universal.
Reconstruir el libro Rayuela de Julio Cortazar a la escala del WWW, para que puedan leerla los que quieran, como quieran.
En la Biennale de Venezia 2007
(...)Se Brasilia á a visão concretizada do que uma próspera capital da América Latina poderia ser, o Morrinho é uma sombra vernacular, uma sombra que se aprofunda e que se molda sobre o continente sobre cada cidade do mundo cuja polaridade economica e anárquica expansão seguem o mesmo padrão de desenvolvimento.
O Morrinho é também um paradigma de autodeterminação, um exemplo - emprestando o termo a Joseph Beyus - de escultura social. Uma escultura na qual as vidas redirecionadas de seus autores são mais da metade do trabalho.
Robert Storr - Curador da 52e Bienal de Veneza
sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2008
Escuelas nacionales de arte de la Habana - Cuba
jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2008
Weirdo Video: Rare & authentic 16mm films of cultural, historical and ironical significance >>
Canal en youtube:
domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008
JR ; undercover fotógrafo
As an undercover photographer, JR transforms his pictures into posters and makes open space photo galleries out of our streets. An acute observer of our time, as comfortable in cozy neighborhoods as in urban ghettos, he questions pedestrians with the exhibitions he mounts on their everyday commutes.
Using a camera he found once in the subway, JR finds inspiration in informal encounters he makes following his travels and his intuitions.
The next big thing ; The art of making peace;
viernes, 22 de agosto de 2008
domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008
sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008
viernes, 8 de agosto de 2008
lunes, 4 de agosto de 2008
Eugenio Recuenco
domingo, 13 de julio de 2008
Strange Maps
“Heaven is a place,” sang the Talking Heads, “where nothing ever happens.” Not so in this version of the Afterlife. This is what Heaven might have looked like in the Divina Commedia had Dante not been a medieval Italian intellectual, but a contemporary Californian comic artist, like Malachi Ward, who drew this map. In Ward’s vision, Heaven is a place very similar to your local amusement park. Only better: it never closes, you don’t ever have to leave! (...)"
People of a very religious disposition have been known to see the face of Jesus in a slice of burnt toast, or the Virgin Mary’s silhouet in a tree. Map-nuts similarly observe simulacra of states and continents in everyday objects.
“I’ve seen photos of clouds resembling maps, pancake surface patterns,” writes Bjørn Bojesen. “But never a blob of jam.” And then: “I was just making a sandwich, and there it was – America on the chopping board!” (...)
(gracias mer)
lunes, 7 de julio de 2008
Aplastamiento de las gotas
Aplastamiento de las gotas
Yo no sé, mira, es terrible cómo llueve. Llueve todo el tiempo, afuera tupido y gris, aquí contra el balcón con goterones cuajados y duros, que hacen plaf y se aplastan como bofetadas uno detrás de otro, qué hastío. Ahora aparece una gotita en lo alto del marco de la ventana; se queda temblequeando contra el cielo que la triza en mil brillos apagados, va creciendo y se tambalea, ya va a caer y no se cae, todavía no se cae. Está prendida con todas las uñas, no quiere caerse y se la ve que se agarra con los dientes, mientras le crece la barriga; ya es una gotaza que cuelga majestuosa, y de pronto zup, ahí va, plaf, deshecha, nada, una viscosidad en el mármol.
Pero las hay que se suicidan y se entregan enseguida, brotan en el marco y ahí mismo se tiran; me parece ver la vibración del salto, sus piernitas desprendiéndose y el grito que las emborracha en esa nada del caer y aniquilarse. Tristes gotas, redondas inocentes gotas. Adiós gotas. Adiós.
Himno Nacional Argentino:
Axolotl - Julio Cortazar:
martes, 24 de junio de 2008
diseños interactivos - creaciones con el mouse
más de
"repulsion is not always probable, or likely"
lunes, 23 de junio de 2008
domingo, 22 de junio de 2008
Space Invaders
Who are you ?
I'm Invader (that's my alias). I always appear masked in public, so no one knows my face. Some people call me a polluter, others say I'm an artist. I prefer to think of myself as an invader !
What's the Space Invaders project about?
The idea is to "invade" cities all over the world with characters inspired by first-generation arcade games, and especially the now classic Space Invaders. I make them out of tiles, meaning I can cement them to walls and keep the ultra-pixelated appearance.
I like to switch from one to the other, it's a way of doing different things. Right now I'm working on a project that uses Rubik's Cube, the Eighties cult puzzle, as the basis for pictures and sculptures. I call this my "RubikCubist" period., 16 de junio de 2008
Psicodrama en presencia de ballenas
...Este encuentro focaliza la atención en la apertura de nuevos conocimientos personales y grupales. Durante este encuentro utilizaremos, para cumplir el objetivo, la dramatización, como principal método de comprensión del mensaje de las ballenas. Lo que nos permite personalizarlo y encontrar en cada participante el área de trabajo donde puede ampliar el conocimiento de si mismo y de aquellas situaciones de su alma que necesita sanación.
Una ballena se aproxima al bote, gira alrededor del mismo, y nuestra protagonista la sigue con los ojos, en ese circular. La ballena sale a superficie siempre delante de ella. Comienza a sentirse mal o nauseosa, a pesar de ser alguien habituado a navegar y que no recuerda haberse mareado, sin embargo, termina vomitando.
La persona del equipo que está acompañándola, y la socorre, en ese instante, dice: "deja ir lo que necesites", y, poco después pregunta: ¿desde cuándo tiene todo esto dentro?. La respuesta fue: "desde hace mucho tiempo". En ese momento la ballena levanta la cabeza y la mira directamente. Se ve el ojo que se mantiene, en esa posición, unos instantes, lo que no es muy habitual. Al volver se reconstruye, durante la sesión de psicodrama, la escena y ella, como protagonista, al invertir roles con la ballena dice: "te veo".