martes, 24 de junio de 2008



diseños interactivos - creaciones con el mouse

más de

"repulsion is not always probable, or likely"

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Powers of ten

(gracias pablo)

domingo, 22 de junio de 2008

Space Invaders

Who are you ?
I'm Invader (that's my alias). I always appear masked in public, so no one knows my face. Some people call me a polluter, others say I'm an artist. I prefer to think of myself as an invader !

What's the Space Invaders project about?
The idea is to "invade" cities all over the world with characters inspired by first-generation arcade games, and especially the now classic Space Invaders. I make them out of tiles, meaning I can cement them to walls and keep the ultra-pixelated appearance.

I like to switch from one to the other, it's a way of doing different things. Right now I'm working on a project that uses Rubik's Cube, the Eighties cult puzzle, as the basis for pictures and sculptures. I call this my "RubikCubist" period.

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008


Psicodrama en presencia de ballenas

...Este encuentro focaliza la atención en la apertura de nuevos conocimientos personales y grupales. Durante este encuentro utilizaremos, para cumplir el objetivo, la dramatización, como principal método de comprensión del mensaje de las ballenas. Lo que nos permite personalizarlo y encontrar en cada participante el área de trabajo donde puede ampliar el conocimiento de si mismo y de aquellas situaciones de su alma que necesita sanación.


Una ballena se aproxima al bote, gira alrededor del mismo, y nuestra protagonista la sigue con los ojos, en ese circular. La ballena sale a superficie siempre delante de ella. Comienza a sentirse mal o nauseosa, a pesar de ser alguien habituado a navegar y que no recuerda haberse mareado, sin embargo, termina vomitando.
La persona del equipo que está acompañándola, y la socorre, en ese instante, dice: "deja ir lo que necesites", y, poco después pregunta: ¿desde cuándo tiene todo esto dentro?. La respuesta fue: "desde hace mucho tiempo". En ese momento la ballena levanta la cabeza y la mira directamente. Se ve el ojo que se mantiene, en esa posición, unos instantes, lo que no es muy habitual. Al volver se reconstruye, durante la sesión de psicodrama, la escena y ella, como protagonista, al invertir roles con la ballena dice: "te veo".


domingo, 15 de junio de 2008


sábado, 14 de junio de 2008

L'architecture d'ajourd'hui

Regalo de la Biblioteca de la FADU (facultad de arquitectura diseño y urbanismo, Universidad de Buenos Aires)


An experiment in multidisciplinary collaboration
TRANSIT LOUNGE is the archetypal transit space, the point where the hyper-global + hyper-local coincide; a location which blurs traditional conceptions of geo-political boundaries, creating pockets of international space within the borders of individual nation-states. An in-between space, it exists relative to a fixed departure and arrival point, not to the area that surrounds it.


Commuting to work,

Walking the dog around the block,

Going to the open air market on sundays,

Visiting a family on the weekend,

the rituals of everyday life trace regular paths along streets and through buildings, organising the solids and voids of the built environment into narratives and patterns of association. Complicated by memory and social rituals, our experience of the city is of a dynamic place, a stage for public performances and private tragedies, of significant moments and the incredibly mundane. The habits, rituals, and actions of its population, the lived experiences within the city define it as something that is always current, always in constant, random movement.

RE-PLACE BERLIN web-based urban project - reveal and celebrate everyday rituals - map out frequent routes - recording regular patterns and particular moments - relates to the lived experience of those who dwell there - become a tourist of someone else's everyday ritual - document and share observations and discoveries made along the way - points of intersection develop between the routes - the city remapped as a network of lived experiences - understand the city - residents interacting with it – the routes we follow and the moments where these routes cross, overlap, run parallel or tangent to each other.

Fantastic Norway


Two young architects in a red camper take on Norway’s architectural ills.

Håkon Matre Aasarød and Erlend Blakstad Haffner roused community support to preserve a firehouse that was scheduled for demolition. The building and the adjacent town square, they had learned, were going to be turned over to a shopping-center developer. Aasarød and Haffner returned to the site repeatedly during the school year, and ultimately proposed adapting the brick tower into a regional contemporary art headquarters. “We found this more interesting than school,” Haffner says, “and decided that we would go into architecture to make positive social changes.”
A year later the newly minted graduates established Fantastic Norway, making field trips their MO. With a beat-up car pulling a Bjølseth camper, Aasarød and Haffner spent 30 months traveling to a dozen cities, identifying local ailments—an underused public space, a preexisting design that had gone sour—and inviting residents into their mobile office to brainstorm solutions. “People feel threatened by com­pletely new ideas because often they don’t participate in the process,” Haffner says. Listening, Fantastic Norway’s success suggests, is good business.


miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008



Canción popular melodramática / Acusmática/Cintas de cassette / Black Metal

Sigurd Fandango

Un video ---> Travellers ---> Oslo Central Station --->

Big Ideas (don't get any)

RE-mix de la canción Nude de Radiohead

Big Ideas (don't get any) from James Houston on Vimeo.

lunes, 9 de junio de 2008

Du-Ho Suh

Jonathan Borofsky

Yayoi Kusama

"Soul under the moon explores reflection, repetition and infinity — themes central to Kusama’s art. Her first ‘Infinity/Mirror rooms’ were produced in the 1960s when traditional definitions of art were being questioned by younger artists. In many cultures the mirror is an important symbolic as well as functional object. In Kusama’s ‘Infinity/Mirror rooms’ reflections are repeated to the point of dis-appearance where the viewer may become confused and disoriented. The conventional purpose of a room is to contain and define a space. By contrast, Kusama’s mirror rooms appear to be expansive and limitless. The experience of entering Yayoi Kusama’s Soul under the moon is similar to gazing at a clear night sky full of stars — eventually the sense of infinity is overwhelming and all-consuming. "

The Man Who Fell Asleep

"We all eavesdrop on the tube. (Except if plugged into Ipod/mother)
The following are quotes I have overheard on the London Underground.
Are they real? Or are they just the feverish imaginings of a diseased mind? It's up to you to decide."


·Don't be stupid... Chinese food and Japanese food are the exact same thing.
·Is that the one without eyebrows?
·I never understand why Jesus didn't use his superpowers to escape the Romans.
·She just started crying. It was brilliant.
·Are you Polish? Or do you come from Europe?
·Mel gibson? He can't be in another film, I'm sure I saw him get his head chopped off in Braveheart.
·If one sausage raises your chances of cancer by 20% then 5 sausages mean that you're 100% guaranteed to get cancer.
·The year... 1387. The place.... Denmark.
·Is it a baby? A plant? No! A man with a moustache.
·There’s this bloke at work. He’s obsessed with midgets.

The Death & Life of Ice Cream

domingo, 8 de junio de 2008


information design:

music machine:

it's not going to stop:
How to print/display the sentence "it is not going to stop" in 43 different programming languages of the last 50 years. The poster was embeded in the magazine DWIAWHGI #2 (magazine design by Jaap Kroneman, Connie Nijman en Nienke Terpsma).

information design:

Malcolm Gladwell

What is Blink about?
1. What is "Blink" about?
It's a book about rapid cognition, about the kind of thinking that happens in a blink of an eye. When you meet someone for the first time, or walk into a house you are thinking of buying, or read the first few sentences of a book, your mind takes about two seconds to jump to a series of conclusions. Well, "Blink" is a book about those two seconds, because I think those instant conclusions that we reach are really powerful and really important and, occasionally, really good.


Las almendras garrapiñadas son aquellas a las que, crudas, se les añade un recubrimiento de caramelo, hecho a partir de azúcar caramelizado. Este caramelo oscurece la almendra, el azúcar tostado endulza y da una textura dura a la almendra.
Su aporte energético es significativo, ya que aporta la energía de la almendra y del azúcar, por lo que debe ser tenido en cuenta por las personas diabéticas.

Christopher David Ryan

"YES... All of the work featured on this site is my own.
I am Christopher David Ryan... a Brooklyn-based graphic artist, daydreamer, pseudo-scientist, wanna-be astronaut and untrained intellectual. I tend to find inspiration in pretty much anything... especially music, the universe, the human condition and natural phenomena."

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An ambiguous animation painted on public walls