sábado, 14 de junio de 2008


Commuting to work,

Walking the dog around the block,

Going to the open air market on sundays,

Visiting a family on the weekend,

the rituals of everyday life trace regular paths along streets and through buildings, organising the solids and voids of the built environment into narratives and patterns of association. Complicated by memory and social rituals, our experience of the city is of a dynamic place, a stage for public performances and private tragedies, of significant moments and the incredibly mundane. The habits, rituals, and actions of its population, the lived experiences within the city define it as something that is always current, always in constant, random movement.

RE-PLACE BERLIN web-based urban project - reveal and celebrate everyday rituals - map out frequent routes - recording regular patterns and particular moments - relates to the lived experience of those who dwell there - become a tourist of someone else's everyday ritual - document and share observations and discoveries made along the way - points of intersection develop between the routes - the city remapped as a network of lived experiences - understand the city - residents interacting with it – the routes we follow and the moments where these routes cross, overlap, run parallel or tangent to each other.


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